Does exercise help boost Immunity?

March 22 2024

News & Insights

Have you ever pondered whether incorporating regular exercise into your routine could be a secret weapon against bacterial and viral infections? At ALIV, we believe that physical activity plays a pivotal role in not just enhancing physical strength but also fortifying the immune system, paving the way for optimal health. In this blog, we delve deep into the interplay between exercise and immunity, shedding light on the benefits of physical activity and offering guidance on whether you should engage in workouts when under the weather.

Does Regular Exercise Bolster Your Immune System?

The answer is a resounding yes. Physical activity offers myriad benefits to the body, with immune enhancement standing out as a key advantage. However, it's crucial to note that the benefits you reap are intricately tied to the nature of your exercise regimen—specifically, its frequency, duration, and intensity.

Recent studies affirm that moderate-intensity workouts hold the crown when it comes to immune-boosting properties. Engaging in a moderate to vigorous workout for an hour or less daily or almost daily amplifies the strength of both your immune and metabolic systems, building on existing progress.  However, there's a flip side. Extended high-intensity training, particularly without adequate rest intervals, can have the inverse effect, dampening your immune response.  This is a vital consideration for those on the competitive athletic spectrum or those preparing for endurance challenges like marathons. If you belong to this group, prioritizing recovery time is non-negotiable.

How Much Exercise is Ideal?

While we've established the benefits of exercise for immunity, understanding the optimal exercise quantity for holistic health is equally paramount. Guidelines from reputable health institutions suggest that adults should aim for a minimum of 150–300 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic workouts or 75 minutes of high-intensity activities weekly. Additionally, incorporating muscle-strengthening exercises targeting all primary muscle groups at least twice a week is recommended.

Consistent activity through the week is not just a boon for holistic health but also a stepping stone towards enhancing your immune defenses. At ALIV, we champion the synergy of wellness practices, and exercise is a cornerstone. By integrating regular physical activity into your lifestyle, you're not just building muscle and endurance but also fortifying your body's natural defense mechanisms, preparing it to combat potential health threats with vigor.

Six Ways Exercise Protects Your Immune System

Your immune system stands as the guardian of your health, safeguarding you from a myriad of pathogens encountered daily.  At ALIV, we emphasize the integration of regular exercise into your wellness routine, not just for its physical benefits, but also for the remarkable boost it provides to your immune defenses. Let's delve into six evidence-backed ways exercise augments your immune system:

  • Enhanced Cellular Immunity through Exercise: Emerging from 2019 research, it's evident that moderate-intensity workouts can invigorate cellular immunity. They do so by amplifying the circulation of immune cells, priming your body for early detection and combat against potential infections.2 Engaging in aerobic exercises for durations between 30-45 minutes boosts the activity of the immune system’s prime defensive cells, reinforcing your body's resistance against infections and bolstering its ability to tackle existing pathogens.


  • Elevation in Body Temperature Post-Exercise: Any exercise that goes beyond a gentle pace will elevate your body temperature, sustaining it for a brief period post-workout. This transient temperature spike might mimic the effects of a mild fever, potentially hampering bacterial growth and aiding the body's infection-fighting mechanism. While further studies are required to substantiate this, it's plausible that this temperature elevation augments your immune response.


  • Exercise Catalyzes Restorative Sleep: At ALIV, we recognize sleep as a crucial pillar of wellness. Regular physical activity has been shown to enhance both sleep duration and quality.4 Adequate rest is imperative, as sleep deprivation can compromise specific immune functions, heightening susceptibility to infections and other health disorders due to a dip in antibody production and inflammatory response.


  • Mitigated Risk of Chronic Illnesses through Exercise: Physical activity plays a pivotal role in curtailing cardiovascular risk, averting the onset of type 2 diabetes, elevating good cholesterol, and moderating resting heart rates. Maintaining robust immunity becomes challenging when burdened with such conditions, particularly when encountering viral threats like COVID-19.


  • Exercise as a Balm for Stress and Mood Disorders: There's profound wisdom behind the post-workout euphoria many experience. Exercise acts as a stress antidote, moderating the release of stress hormones and positively influencing mood-regulating neurotransmitters. Beyond offering immediate relief, consistent workouts build resilience against stressors, fortifying mental well-being. Elevated stress or mood disorders can dampen the immune system's regular functions, leading to chronic inflammation and increased vulnerability to ailments.


  • Regulation of Inflammation via Exercise: While inflammation is the body's natural response to external threats, unchecked, acute inflammation can cascade into chronic issues, predisposing individuals to inflammatory diseases. ALIV acknowledges the role of exercise in modulating this inflammatory response. Moderate-intensity workouts curb inflammation, but it's crucial to avoid prolonged, high-intensity sessions, which can, paradoxically, escalate inflammatory reactions.


Exercise is more than just a physical endeavor; it's a key component in protecting our immune defenses and overall well-being. The transformative power of regular workouts is not just for physical strength but as a shield against potential health threats. As we embrace the future, let's prioritize our health, harnessing the vitality that exercise offers. Join us in championing a life where every active moment contributes to a more robust, resilient, and radiant self. 






  1. Zheng, Qishi, et al. "Regular Exercise Enhances the Immune Response Against Microbial Antigens Through Up-Regulation of Toll-like Receptor Signaling Pathways." Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry, vol. 37, no. 2, 2015, pp. 735–746.
  2. Nieman, David C, and Laurel M Wentz. “The compelling link between physical activity and the body's defense system.” Journal of sport and health science vol. 8,3 (2019): 201-217. doi:10.1016/j.jshs.2018.09.009
  3. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. "Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, 2nd edition.", 2019.
  4. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. "Are you getting enough sleep?" CDC,

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