Glutathione: The Master Antioxidant Your Body Needs

March 22 2024

News & Insights

What is Glutathione? 

Glutathione, often dubbed the "Master Antioxidant," is a critical molecule produced naturally within your cells. It's constructed from three vital amino acids: cysteine, glycine, and glutamine. This tripeptide structure enables glutathione to perform a multitude of functions that keep your body operating smoothly.

  • Biochemical Powerhouse : 

    One of the most crucial roles that glutathione plays is in detoxification. Every day, your body encounters a myriad of toxins — from the food we eat to the air we breathe. The liver, your body's primary detoxifying organ, relies heavily on glutathione to neutralize these harmful substances. By converting toxins into water-soluble forms, glutathione makes it easier for the body to eliminate them through urine or bile.

  • Immune Systems Best Friend : 

    Glutathione isn't just a detoxifier; it's a vital cog in the machinery of your immune system as well. It assists in the formation and function of lymphocytes, which are specialized white blood cells responsible for combating disease-causing agents like bacteria and viruses. By boosting lymphocyte activity, glutathione enhances your body's natural defense mechanisms.

  • Guardian of Cellular Health : 

    Another lesser-known but crucial role of glutathione is in DNA repair and synthesis. Your DNA is continually exposed to various stressors, both internal and external, that can cause damage. Glutathione steps in to repair this damage, ensuring that your cells function correctly. This aspect of glutathione is especially critical because DNA damage can lead to mutations and, eventually, diseases like cancer.

  • A Nutritional Boost: 

    Although your liver is adept at producing glutathione, you can also find this antioxidant in several foods. Fruits like avocado and grapefruit, vegetables such as spinach and asparagus, and protein sources like chicken and fish are all rich in glutathione. Incorporating these foods into your diet not only adds variety but also serves as an extra boost to your body's glutathione levels.


Why is Glutathione Important?


  • Potent Detoxifier 

    Glutathione plays an indispensable role in helping your liver detoxify harmful substances. It neutralizes toxins, making them water-soluble and easier for your body to eliminate. This ensures that your liver and other vital organs function optimally.

  • Immunity Booster

    Your immune system is highly dependent on the presence of glutathione. It not only helps in the formation of lymphocytes—white blood cells critical in fighting off diseases—but also recycles antioxidants, making your immune response more efficient.

  • Anti - Aging Benefits 

    Glutathione has an anti-aging effect, thanks to its antioxidant properties. It combats free radicals—harmful molecules that can cause oxidative stress, leading to premature aging and various diseases.


Foods Rich in Glutathione 


Maintaining healthy glutathione levels is essential, and fortunately, many foods are naturally rich in this antioxidant. These include:

  • Fruits and vegetables -
    • Spinach 
    • Avocado 
    • Asparagus 
  • Protein Sources - 
    • Chicken
    • Eggs 
    • Fish 
  • Nuts and Dairy - 
    • Cheddar Cheese 
    • Sunflower Seeds 

Including these foods in your diet can naturally boost your glutathione levels. However, it's important to note that cooking and storing these foods can reduce their glutathione content significantly.

Sometimes, due to various factors like age, stress, or illness, our body's natural glutathione production may not be sufficient. That’s where ALIV's nutrient IV therapies can step in to fill the gap. Our specially formulated therapies deliver a highly absorbable form of glutathione directly into your bloodstream, bypassing the digestive system for maximum efficacy. These therapies are more than just an infusion; they're a lifeline for your cells. They not only increase your glutathione levels but also provide a cocktail of other essential nutrients that your body needs. Whether you’re looking to detoxify your body, boost your immunity, or gain that youthful glow, ALIV has a nutrient IV therapy tailored to meet your unique needs. Don't underestimate the power of glutathione. As the Master Antioxidant, it has far-reaching benefits that are integral to your overall health. With ALIV's nutrient IV therapies, you can ensure that your body gets the optimum levels of glutathione it needs to function at its best.






  1. Adeoye, Oyewopo et al. “Review on the role of glutathione on oxidative stress and infertility.” JBRA assisted reproduction vol. 22,1 61-66. 1 Mar. 2018, doi:10.5935/1518-0557.20180003
  2. Dröge, W, and R Breitkreutz. “Glutathione and immune function.” The Proceedings of the Nutrition Society vol. 59,4 (2000): 595-600. doi:10.1017/s0029665100000847
  3. Severi, S et al. “Effects of cooking and storage methods on the micronutrient content of foods.” European journal of cancer prevention : the official journal of the European Cancer Prevention Organisation (ECP) vol. 6 Suppl 1 (1997): S21-4. doi:10.1097/00008469-199703001-00005

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